Work Order Security Setup

Topics Covered in this Article

Clock In / Out Configuration

AvSight can be configured to allow or disallow the clocking in of technicians to multiple tasks in work orders or across work orders. Depending on the settings the following rules can be configured.

  1. A technician can clock into multiple tasks across multiple work orders
  2. A technician can clock into multiple tasks, but only on a single work order
  3. A technician can only clock into a single task at a time.


Clock In/Out settings are located in the Custom Metadata section of setup under AvSight Settings as shown below.

  1. Enter Salesforce Setup
  2. Search for “Custom Metadata Types” and select the option
  3. Click the “Manage Records” link to the left of “AvSight Settings”
  1. The location for the options may change depending on your setup, but the 2 main options for this setting are:
    1. Disable Clocking Into Multiple Tasks
    2. Disable Clocking into Multiple WOs

Unchecking both options allows technicians to clock into multiple tasks across multiple work orders.

Electronic Signatures

AvSight has a few different options when it comes to security and settings around Electronic Signatures, PIN entries, and restricting attachment deletion. Depending on the settings, the following rules can be configured.

  • Require a different inspector from the mechanic for completing the task
  • Require a PIN code be entered when completing or inspecting a task and signing electronically
  • Restrict the deletion of all attachments including electronic signatures


Signature settings are located in the Custom Metadata section of setup under AvSight Settings as shown below.

  1. Enter Salesforce Setup
  2. Search for “Custom Metadata Types” and select the option
  3. Click the “Manage Records” link to the left of “AvSight Settings”

Require Different Inspector from Completion

This option requires that the employee inspecting the task, if the task requires inspection, is different than the employee who “completed” the task.

For example, if Technician A marks and signs a task as complete, if the option is selected, that same technician cannot mark the task as “Inspected” regardless of any other settings.

PIN Code Requirements

Selecting this option will require a technician or inspector to enter their PIN when signing the task electronically. The PIN code is located in the Employee menu option of the Administration screen.

The initial setting of encrypted PIN codes is restricted to system administrators.

Attachment Deletion Restriction Options

There are 2 options for attachment restrictions.

  • Restrict Signature Attachments

This option restricts the manual deletion of any electronic signatures attached to tasks. There is no work around or exception without first unchecking this option

  • Restrict All Attachments

This option is similar to the Restrict Signature Attachments except it restricts ALL attachments from deletion including inventory paperwork, account paperwork, etc.

Inventory Expiration Settings

AvSight can restrict inventory lines from being issued to a work order if they are past their expiration date.

An inventory line can be allocated to a Work Order, but if this option is enabled, it cannot be Issued and will result in an error in the Materials Handling screen when trying to issue the expired inventory.


Inventory Expiration settings are located in the Custom Metadata section of setup under AvSight Settings as shown below.

  1. Enter Salesforce Setup
  2. Search for “Custom Metadata Types” and select the option
  3. Click the “Manage Records” link to the left of “AvSight Settings”

The setting “WO validation for Inventory Expiration” controls this option. If left unchecked, the expiration date is not validated during the Issue process. If selected, any inventory past it’s expiration date cannot be issued.

Task & Work Instructions Restriction Settings

AvSight can restrict tasks and work instructions from being deleted for certain statuses. Each status option can be configured to allow or prevent deletion.


Task & Work Instruction Deletion settings are located in the Custom Metadata section of setup under AvSight Settings as shown below.

  1. Enter Salesforce Setup
  2. Search for “Custom Metadata Types” and select the option
  3. Click the “Manage Records” link to the left of “AvSight Status Settings”

Within the manage records listing, there is a record for each status for both Work Instructions and Tasks. Checking or Unchecking the “Don’t Allow Delete” determines if the Work Instruction or Task can be deleted when it is in that status.

For example:

If the record for “Work Order Task In Progress” has the “Don’t Allow Delete?” option checked, and Work Order Tasks in “In Progress” status will not be able to be deleted.

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