Redwood R5 Release Notes

Latest Improvements and New Features added

To Do (Required to complete before some of the features can be used)

  • Click the Updates on the Upgrade Console
  • Add signatures to your employees that sign Certs under Administration>Company Admin>Employee Master. Best image size for the signature is 300×40.

System Wide Improvements/Changes

  • Email format validations were improved to recognize new domains.
  • The Notes and Attachments tab was removed from the RFQ, Quotes, SO, PO, RO and Inventory modules and the attachments can now be found in the new “All Related” tab added to the same modules.
  • RO/PO/SO line Statuses now update automatically.
  • Added an “All Related Tab” to RFQ, Quotes, SO, PO, RO and Inventory modules that shows all the related module information in one place.
  • Added “AvSight Support” to the bottom left of screens which provides a shortcut to the AvSight support system in order to create a ticket for support, read the latest Release Notes, or the Knowledge Base for Q&A and training.
  • Changed the Inventory ESN field to store in alphanumeric instead of numeric field. There will be a script provided in the Upgrade console at time of Release that will move the existing ESN in your system to the new field. Please make sure to click the Update for this.
  • This Release will be the first to use the new Upgrade console.  Please be sure to click Update on all the upgrades.
  • Added a “Protected Reason” to Inventory. This is part of the foundation for future feature being developed.
  • Changed the scrolling of the Parts List at left side of the RFQ/PO/RO/Customer Quotes/SO screens to be independent of the right side of the screen. This allows easier navigation when working with many lines


  • Added a Mass Delete to be able to delete up to 200 lines of Secondary Inventory. For larger deletes, please contact us until we add a feature that will handle larger deletes.
  • Added “Salable Region” to Part Master. This is part of the foundation for a distribution region feature being developed.
  • Added “Preferred Supplier” to Part Master
  • Added an option to show or hide the Barcode Printing feature in Receiving to the Company Setup. This feature will be completed in our next release.
  • Added Zone to Inventory Location setup. This is a feature for large warehousing operations that will allow for zone picking. You may ignore this field for now.


  • Added “Region” to Customer/Vendors to identify the region of the world the Customer/Vendor resides in.

Part Research

  • Added “ESN” to Inventory Box
  • We now show Inventory in the same order as the Condition Code Summary Order
  • Added a new box for showing Customer Exchanges in the History tab

Customer Quotes

  • Added “Create RFQ” to Quotes to upper right of screen.

Sales Improvements/Changes

  • Invoice Date was changed from using the date of the Release to use the Current Date for new Invoices or the Date Invoiced in the Release when regenerating an Invoice.
  • Packing Slips date was changed from using the date of the Release to using the Current Date or the Date Shipped of the Release if printing after shipment has taken place.
  • If a Release is marked as Paperwork Only while generating the Release, a message will popup that will allow you to go directly to shipping that Release since Paperwork Only is defined as not involving real parts in inventory, i.e. dropships.
  • Removed Serial Number field from Sales Order lines as it was not applicable.


  • Added a feature to RO Receiving to handle receiving of scrapped parts. When receiving, the condition code of the line being received is changed (different from the Expected Condition) the parts being received will be placed in Inventory in the changed condition and without any repair costs applied. An alert message will be shown in Receiving when this will happen.
  • Added a Mass Update feature in the upper right of the Receiving screen to help when receiving large POs and ROs.  By selecting the lines you want to update, you can then apply the same data like Locations, Tag info, Source, ESN, etc.
  • Clicking the Checkboxes on the lines automatically updates the Qty Accepted for you.
  • Limited the number of lines shown at once and added the ability to go to the next page as the screen was too slow when many lines were trying to load.
  • Imaging – Removed the attachment of files from the main receiving page and it is now in a second step in the receiving process. This allows sharing files across many lines and speeds up the receiving screens.
  • Added counters to the top of the page showing # of lines selected to work with.
  • Added new fields of “ESN” and “TAG Reference” to Receiving Tech Data screen and improved the layout of the fields. If Tag Reference is entered during receiving, the same will be used in generating the Material Cert. If no Tag Reference is entered during receiving the Material Cert will reference the RLS# and the RLS line#.
  • Qty Rejected is hidden for now as that feature has not been fully developed yet for handling quarantine of items on receipts.
  • Fixed a bug where the hover message would show “Qty Allocated” when the cursor was placed over the Qty Accepted fields.

Repair Orders

  • During the creation of an RO, added an easy way to send out many serialized parts at once. Add a line to your RO, fill in the part number, qty, and all the expected information including costs and comments then click the “Select Inventory” button.  If you select more than one line of inventory in the results being displayed, the system will clone your line as many times as needed for the inventory lines selected. It will copy the expected data, costs and comments as desired.
  • Added Mass Update feature in the upper right of the screen to help update ROs with many lines. For example, once you get the repair shop’s quote for a set of serialized blades or vanes, you can quickly update many lines at once with the expected information like repair cost and condition.
  • Added a “Line List View” tab that allows working many of the RO lines at once. This is another option available to work with an RO with multiple lines.
  • Added “Qty Shipped” and “Qty Received” to the Parts List at left side of screen to make it easy to peruse the list to tell which lines have been shipped and/or received.
  • Repair Order Releases marked as Paperwork Only may now be worked entirely in the new PWRK Only Queue and do not require going through Picking>Outbound QC>Shipping.

RFQs (Vendor Quotes)

  • Added the quoted fields to the Import Spreadsheet
  • When adding lines to RFQs, the Quoted fields will default from the Requested fields for Part Number and Condition to lessen the amount of typing needed.
  • Added option of copying Header and Line Comments to “Create Quote” feature


  • Added a PWRK queue. When either a SO or RO Release is marked as Paperwork Only while generating the Release, it will not need to go through Picking>Outbound QC>Shipping queues. You may work it directly in this new Queue since paperwork only would not require the same work as real parts from Inventory.
  • Added an auto sign feature to the material certs.
  • 1- Add a signature to the Employee setup under Administration>
  • 2- When Generating a Material Cert, select which side of the cert you want to sign (the other side will be grayed out).
  • Added Line Numbers to the OPS screens when showing the lines of the orders.

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