Sequoia S3.1 Release Notes

This release contains many requested features from Avsight users.  We will be providing more detailed user guides around the different areas in our Knowledge Base site found here:



  • Added a Shipping Confirmation to Form Options for use in Sales (see sales section below for details on the actual feature). Form Options Body 1, Body 2, and the Comments fields are used as wording in the email being generated for salutations and messages as needed. We have setup standard wording for you but feel free to make it your own. Customer PO, SO#, RLS#, Invoice#, Total Value of Shipment, Shipped Via and AWB are automatically included in the confirmation.
  • Added a logging for the “Pay” feature. Can now run reports and track vendor invoice matching efforts.
  • Added the use of the “Title” field for the Material Cert form in Form Options. You can designate the title of your material certification based on your certification requirements.
  • Added a signature capture feature in Administration->Employee to capture and store signatures directly in AvSight. Use the button at top to sign in the dialogue provided and signature will be stored for use in Material Certs.
  • Fixed the PartsBase Inventory upload to include the “Load Open POs” setting.
  • Added “Load On Exchange” setting to Administration->Company to include inventory that is on exchange in the file generated for ILS/PartsBase.
  • Improved the “Hide from Services” options to be able to control from additional areas. You can now hide from ILS/PartsBase files based on the setting in Warehouse, Condition Code, Owner Code, and Part Master.
  • Added an “Alternate PN” import feature
  • Added new feature to Inventory for Customs Entry tracking.


  • Added AvSight RO Issue Settings. The settings allow control of which owner code types are allowed to be consumed when supplying piece parts from inventory for the repair of the main line. Please review these settings and decide which ones you will allow. NOTE: Costs are automatically transferred from the consumed line into the repair cost of the main line at time of receipt.
    • SPEC Main Line, allow consuming same SPEC Owner Code
    • SPEC Main Line, allow consuming different SPEC Owner Code
    • SPEC Main Line, allow consuming Consignment Owner Code
    • SPEC Main Line, allow consuming LOT Owner Code
    • LOT Main Line, allow consuming same LOT Owner Code
    • LOT Main Line, allow consuming different LOT Owner Code
    • LOT Main Line, allow consuming Consignment Owner Code
    • LOT Main Line, allow consuming SPEC Owner Code
    • Consignment Main Line, allow consuming same Consignment Owner Code
    • Consignment Main Line, allow consuming different Consignment Owner Code
    • Consignment Main Line, allow consuming LOT Owner Code
    • Consignment Main Line, allow consuming SPEC Owner Code
  • Added setting for RO receiving to block/allow receipts of lines with missing final repair cost. Will allow receiving “0.00” costs but will block receipts when RO line final cost is left blank. Recommended Setting: Block blanks.
  • Added setting to block/allow payment of rejected receipts for PO/RO.


  • Added Data Service Mappings as related list. Displays the customer’s default assigned to for EDI RFQs.


  • Added feature to save your searched part number and not lose your search. If while researching a part you are sent to a different screen, you can use the back arrow in the browser and be sent back to your original search.
  • Added a “Show History” to Available inventory to show historical records (where qty is now zero).
  • Added additional features to the “…” advanced part search feature. Now shows alternates and more detail for the results with quantities.
  • “Active Part Research” now available in different areas of AvSight for the active line being worked one. This will be expanded with more areas in the future.
  • Added additional flags to the top for Open RO and Open Sale. You can choose which ones to display for your system.
  • Added more options for Historical Transactions. WO BOMs, WO Allocations,

QUOTE 360 (Screen for EDI Quotes, must have feature turned on by AvSight and approved by ILS/PartsBase)

  • Improved the Customer mapping feature to make it quicker and easier.
  • Added Manual Retrieving of ILS or PartsBase RFQs.
  • Added “Active Part Search” for active lines in the Q360 screen.
  • Added a related list to Accounts for the Customer EDI Mappings


  • Default new quote lines now to type “Outright”.
  • Cloning a Quote will now mark the new quote as Quote Source of “Manual” instead of copying the Source of the original quote which could have been from ILS or PartsBase.
  • Added capability to better handling of attached quotes. Can handle more attachments from inventory documents.


  • Added a “Shipping Confirmation” to the Sales Order->Release “Generate Documents” option. This provides the user an easy way to send an email to their customer with shipping details and any attachments in the release. NOTE: option can be found under the Release being shipped. Setup of Form Option “Shipping Confirmation required.
  • SO Proforma Invoice option now allows printing only selected lines from the order.
  • Improved SO statuses by adding statuses at the lines, automatically setting the line status based on quantities being tracked (i.e. Qty Shipped=Shipped, Qty Received=Received), and then updating the header status based on the status of the line at the lowest status.
  • Added a “Lines List View” tab to Sales Order in order to update many lines of the SO rather than having to click line by line.
  • Added a sales order Acknowledgement form to the Generate Documents at the top of the Sales Order screen and will show the SO Header External Comments, selected lines, Form Option Comments1-10. Feel free to add canned comments in Administration->Form Options to the Acknowledgement form in the Comments boxes and you can later select them when generating the acknowledgement.
  • Added a Dropship feature to the header that will allow selecting destination of shipment:
    • Ship to Customer’s main company location
    • Dropship to any of the Customer’s added Shipping Addresses
    • Dropship to another Account’s main location
    • Dropship to another Account’s added Shipping Addresses


  • Exchange fees/charges now use the new invoices


  • Added SN to the RMA document
  • RMA invoices now use the new invoices


  • Added “Customer PO” field to the Invoice page layout.
  • Added internal and external comments to the Invoice page layout.


  • Added validation to prevent changing prices on PO lines after line has started to get receipts. Allowing changes would interfere with the Pay feature when processing the vendors invoice. We will be adding a feature for “Price” corrections to PO and RO lines on next upgrade. 
  • PO Returns added some additional validations around quantity being returned and to handle exchange core returns. Will prevent returning more than received or returning the same Inventory on different Return PO lines.
  • Improved PO statuses by adding statuses at the lines, automatically setting the line status based on quantities being tracked (i.e. Qty Shipped=Shipped, Qty Received=Received), and then updating the header status based on the status of the line at the lowest status.
  • Added a Dropship feature to the header that will allow selecting destination of shipment:
    • Ship to Employee’s main company location
    • Dropship to any of your company’s locations
    • Dropship to another Account’s main location
    • Dropship to another Account’s added Shipping Addresses


  • Added an RO Inventory Issue feature. This feature allows parts from inventory to be sent to the shop and be consumed during the repair of the main line. Costs are automatically transferred from the consumed lines into the repair cost of the main line at time of receipt. NOTE: if you have consignments, we suggest using a SO and PO to transfer ownership of those parts before consuming as you will lose tracking of your consignor’s parts. Also note that consumption of LOT parts may skew the performance of the LOT as the parts will be consumed into other Owner Codes and improve the new owner codes performance. Pieces related to RO Issue of parts:
    • RO Issue tab-shows all parts reserved/issued/restocked for the RO, all lines.
    • Added RO Issue option at each line-opens a dialogue window displaying parts reserved/issued with associated costs and provides the functionality to reserve the parts for shipping/issuing just for the respective line of the RO. Any parts reserved/shipped to the shop will have the Inventory Quantity Allocated incremented. This qty allocated will be removed at receipt-issue or at restock.
    • Generate Release-captures all the piece parts to be sent to the shop and adds them to the RO release. This provides the same process used for shipping parts including the packing slips and shipping of the parts and updating the Release and RO Issue to show the respective statuses as the parts are in the Operation’s pipeline (picking, QC, shipping). Parts must be shipped in order to then be issued at receiving time based on shop report of parts used/consumed.
    • Receiving-new icon at right allows receiver to confirm and issue the parts from inventory to the main line of the RO, passing the costs into the main line’s inventory. This must be done before line can be received.
    • Issued parts (consumed) are automatically removed from inventory, costs added to the repair cost field of the main line of the RO, and tracked in accounting by posting to the respective GL accounts (increase in main line’s Inventory-Repair GL account and decrease in Issued part’s Inventory-Acq and Repair GL account).
  • When issuing piece parts to an RO line where the RO line consists of a partial quantity from an inventory line (where the entire quantity on hand was not sent out for repair), the issue screen will split the quantity on repair into its own inventory line in order to update costs from piece parts correctly into the parts on repair and not to the parts that were on the inventory line not sent out for repair.
  • Now default Expected PN and Expected SN to be the same as the original PN and SN if user leaves the fields blank while creating the RO line.
  • Added an option for Operations group to be able to print out the RO document while working in their queues to ship the RO.
  • Added new fields to the RO lines and to the tab “Lines List View”:
    • Initial Unit Repair Cost (to capture initial quote before any negotiations. Good for tracking cost reductions/negotiations and for Vendor Performance).
    • Next Follow Up Date
  • Added Mass Update to the Lines List View for updating lines quickly.
  • Added Help Text to many of the fields to help understand their uses.
  • Fixed the RO Line Split feature where status was sometimes incorrectly updated.
  • Improved RO statuses by adding statuses at the lines, automatically setting the line status based on quantities being tracked (i.e. Qty Shipped=Shipped, Qty Received=Received), and then updating the header status based on the status of the line at the lowest status.
  • Added ability of receiving a serialized part when the original part sent out was not serialized. If original quantity sent to repair was greater than 1, will require user to use the RO “Split Line” feature in order to designate the expected serial numbers for each part. 
  • Added a Dropship feature to the header that will allow selecting the destination for the parts being returned from the shop:
    • Ship to Employee’s main company location
    • Dropship to any of your company’s locations
    • Dropship to another Account’s main location
    • Dropship to another Account’s added Shipping Addresses


  • Added a Location filter to the Operation’s queues to only show items for a specific company/work location.
  • Added Inventory “SubLocation” as a field to be able to update under the Operation Tools->Bulk Transfer feature.
  • Added an option for Generate RO document to the same place where packing slips are generated.
  • Added a few improvements to the Mobile picking (Operation Tools, Mobile picking).
  • Added a sorting to picklist for the “Shipped Via” in the shipping screen.
  • Added a new queue for “Restocking” of RO Issue parts that were not consumed/used by the shop and returned. The queue can be found in the Operations screen where shipping is done and also under the Operation Tools menu. The feature displays lines needing to be restocked, allows printing a restocking ticket to place the parts back on the shelf, and to mark the lines as restocked.


  • Added new icon at right of each line that allows the receiver to confirm/issue the parts from inventory to the main line of the RO, passing the costs into the main line’s inventory. This must be done before line can be received. Any parts returned from shop and not consumed can be placed on a restocking ticket from the Receiving screen or from the Restocking screen.
  • Added a splash screen to alert user to special considerations like RO Issues, missing Repair Cost, and 0.00 repair cost.
  • Added a link to the PN displayed so user can view the Part Master.


  • Improved Consignment Payable report found in the screen. 
  • Added validation to prevent selecting a consignment sale or an expense to be processed more than once into a consignment report.
  • Added default filtering to the Owner Code Adjustments in the Consignment Management screen to better handle which records should be visible by default.


  • Improved the output documents (Traveler and Closeout Paperwork) formatting.
  • Added ability of viewing task attachments in the Mobile Technician screen.
  • Added a Select/Deselect All option to attaching files for the Work Order Closeout Paperwork.
  • Added an EASA FORM 1 to the Generate Documents feature using Form Options form. The Form Options fields are used: Title (Block 1A), Footer (Footer for versioning), Body 1(Bottom of Block 13, Remarks).
  • Added “New” task button in the Summary window.
  • Added additional fields to show in the WO Quote header: PN, SN, NAA, Contact. Fields are only shown if not blank.
  • Expanded Task Name to 250 characters

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