Topics Covered in this article
Create a Tool Part Number (Part Master)
- Navigate to the AvSight application, and navigate to the Administration tab
- On the Administration page, click the Inventory Admin tab and click the Part Master button to create new and view existing skills
- To create a new Tool part number click the New button in the upper right
- On the New Part Master page, enter the Tool Master Information
- Required Fields:
- Part Number
- Keyword
- Tool?
- While not required to create the part master, checking the box “Tool?” is required for the part to be used as a tool.
- Complete any additional fields as described below.
- Required Fields:
- Click Save
Important Fields of note:
- Serialized?
- This field determines if this tool master is a serialized tool. A serial number could be a serialized number engraved on the tool, or it could be a company defined number (T-001, T-002, etc)
- Calibration Required?
- Certain tools require periodic calibration (torque wrenches, etc) and checking this box ensures that those dates are tracked.
Create a Tool Record (Individual Tool)
- Navigate to the AvSight application, and navigate to the Inventory tab
- To create a new tool, click New in the Inventory screen
- On the New Inventory page, enter the Tool Information
- Required Fields:
- Part Number – The part number of the tool you are creating
- Serial Number (If the part is marked as “Serialized?”)
- Condition Code
- Owner Code
- Warehouse
- Location
- Protected
- Protected Reason
- Required Fields:
- Click Save
- To add quantities to the tool record, click the Inventory Update button at the top right of the screen
- In the New box, enter the quantity of this tool you have in stock. If this is a serialized tool, the quantity must be 1
- Click Submit
Important Fields of note:
- Last Calibration Date
- Next Calibration Date
- Last Inspection Date
- Next Inspection Date