Merging Part Masters And Condition Codes

AvSight Inventory Management
Merging Part Masters and Condition Codes

This article will cover the basics of merging Part Masters in the AvSight system.

Prerequisites: None

At times duplicate parts may exist in the Parts Master table.  This can be due to slight differences in naming conventions—for instance, part A100, may be entered as A100, A-100 or A – 100.  While the differences may seem minor, the database sees each of those as a different part and can skew the reporting of that particular part.  Another scenario may be that the details of each part may have been recorded differently.  For instance, one A100 may have the keyword set to recorder, but another instance may have a keyword of CVR.

To resolve the issue of duplicate parts, AvSight provides a simple way of merging duplicated part masters.  To begin, log into AvSight and select Administration.  Navigate to Inventory Admin and select Merge Part Master to open the Merge Part Master screen.

On the Merge Part Master screen enter the first few characters of the name duplicates have in common.  The systems will look for “Starts With” in the search and return parts that have names beginning with those letters.  In the example above, A10 would return A100, A-100 and A – 100. Select the parts that should be merged and click Next.  Note: a maximum of three part masters can be merged at a time.  If more than three duplicates exist, merge three, then merge additional part masters with the result of the previous merge.

The next screen will display all of the details of each Part Master side by side allowing the differences to be compared.  The top row of radio buttons (Master Record) determines which Part Number will be used for the end result of the merge.  The second row (Part Number) will determine which set of details will be used.  In the illustration, part Merge1 has been selected to be the final part number and to provide the final details.  However it is equally possible to choose Merge1 as the final part number and Merge2 or Merge3 to provide the final details of the part by simply selecting Merge1 as the Master Record and Merge2 or Merge3 as the Part Number.  Click Merge to finish the process.

Merging Condition Codes

Merging condition codes follows the same procedure as merging Part Masters.  Merging Condition Codes is found by navigating to Administration > Inventory Admin > Merge Condition Codes.

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