Before anyone can be granted access to AvSight, they must have a user account. User accounts are created in Salesforce, the underlying framework of the AvSight system. This article will show you how to create and maintain user accounts. NOTE: Make sure your browser will accept cookies. Cookies are required to be able to see the required fields.
Prerequisites: None
Information needed to complete the steps:
List of users
User’s email addresses

Creating a New User Account
- Log into your AvSight instance and select the gear icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- On the left sidebar of the screen under Administration, expand the Users menu and select Users.
- In the center of the screen above the list of users, select New. Maintenance of existing users will be covered below,
- Required Fields:
- Last Name
- Alias (Short name to identify the user in areas where the entire name won’t fit)
- Username (this will be an email address)
- Nickname (this is used for online communities within Salesforce)
- User License
- Profile
- Email Encoding
- Locale Settings
- Enter the required information for the user in the general section.
- In the licensing area, leave the role as <None Specified>. Select Salesforce as the license type and System Admin Clone as the profile type.
- Unless the user requires the use of a non-Latin alphabet, the email encoding can be left at the default setting.
- In the Locale Settings, set the correct Time Zone, Locale and Language for the user.
- All other fields are optional. When finished entering information, click Save or Save & New to add another user account.
Suggested next topics:
Maintaining User Accounts
Assigning Permission Sets and Site Licenses
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Creating a New Company
Entering and Maintaining Employees