Creating and Maintaining Vendors and Customers

AvSight Administration—Creating and Maintaining Your Vendors and Customers

Topics covered in this article:
Creating an account
Maintaining an account
Adding multiple contacts
Account approvals

This article will help you enter your vendor and customer accounts into the system as well as assisting you to maintain important information for both vendors and customers. Vendors and Customers are simply considered accounts in AvSight and are created under the Accounts tab in the AvSight menu.


Information needed to complete the steps:

List of vendors and/or customers

Creating a New Account

  1. Log in to your AvSight instance and select the Accounts tab the AvSight menu.
  2. This will open the Accounts screen.
    1. By default, the Accounts screen defaults to Recently Viewed, to change this select the drop down next to Recently Viewed and choose All. This will ensure an account hasn’t already been set up.
  3. Select New from the Page Menu on the right side of the Accounts screen and the New Accounts form will open.
    • Required Fields:
      • Account Name
  4. All other fields on the Account screen are optional. If you are done entering information click save.

How are contacts related to accounts?

Each account can have multiple contacts associated with it.  If an account is viewed as a vendor or customer company,  the contacts would be the employees of that company.  As any company can have multiple employees, each account can have multiple contacts and multiple shipping addresses.  These contacts and shipping address will be available to add when creating POs, RFQ, etc.

To add a contact to an account, open the account and select the Contacts tab, then select New from the right side of the tab to open the New Contact dialogue box.  Much of the information will be prefilled from the account itself, but additional information specific to the contact may be added as well. Fill in the desired information and click Save.

Multiple shipping addresses may be entered in the same way by clicking the Shipping Address tab.

Maintaining Account Information

While maintaining account information is very straightforward, AvSight allows you to maintain a great deal of information about an account, as well as a complete contact management system integrated with the entire AvSight system. To edit an account, select it from the list in the Accounts tab.

When editing an account there are five tabs that provide information about the account as well as the contact management section.

Details Provides the same information as the New Account screen discussed above.
Contacts Allows the addition of one or more contacts associated with the vendor or customer.
Shipping AddressesAllows you to add and edit multiple shipping addresses for each account.
All Related shows the activity associated with the vendor—quotes, sales orders. RFQs, etc.

To edit any of these areas, simply click on the desired tab and use the pencil icon to edit an individual field in the resulting screen.  To create a new item, select New on the right side of the screen.

The Contact Management section appears on the right side of the account page and provides the ability to assign an account-related task to an employee, create an event associated with an account contact, log a call or create an email. All items are logged in the history area of the CM section.

Account Approvals

Account Approvals provides a way to streamline the workflow for accounts by setting an approval for transaction types and adding an expiration date for the approval.  Clicking in the Account Approvals tab will display a list of approvals already applied to a vendor and provide the option to create additional approvals.  Click new to open the New Account Approval dialog box.

Select the Approval Type from the drop down list.  For instance if an expired FAA certificate would prevent the vendor from being approved, select FAA from the account type and enter the date of approval and the expiration date in the appropriate fields.  In the Unapprove Type area, select the transaction type that would be affected by the approval expiration.  In the left box, click the type of transaction and click the right facing arrow to add it.  To remove it, select it in the right box and click the left facing arrow.  NOTE: shift clicking or CTRL clicking will allow multiple selections.  Checking the Auto Unapprove box will unapproved the vendor for the transactions listed in the Unapprove Type box once the expiration date has been reached.  NOTE: The unapproval status is processed nightly. Statuses will change the following day.

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