AvSight Operations—Working with Repair Orders
This article will cover the basics of creating Repair Orders in the AvSight system.
Prerequisites: None
Information needed to complete the steps:
Required: | |
Vendor | Condition Code |
Part Number | Quantity to Repair |
Unit Price | Original Inventory Line |
Repair Type | Expected Part Number |
Expected Part Condition | Expected Part Warehouse |
Repair Orders (ROs) allow you to submit information necessary to have parts serviced by a vendor. In this article we will cover the process of creating and submitting an RO. Working with ROs is a process that is integrated with many of the other parts of AvSight and will require information from other areas already covered in earlier articles. As with all of the AvSight screens this required information can be created while working within a related area. However, it is highly recommended that you complete all of the previous articles under Administration, Inventory Management and Contact Management first.
Creating an RO
- Login to the AvSight system and Navigate to Repair Orders on the AvSight Menu. On narrower resolution screens you may need to select the More tab and choose Repair Orders from the drop down list.
- Select New in the Page Level Menu.
- By default, the Repair Orders screen defaults to Recently Viewed, to change this, select the drop down next to Recently Viewed and choose All. This will ensure a Repair Order hasn’t already been created.
- Select New from the menu on the right side of the RFQ screen and the New Repair Order form will open.
- Required fields:
- Vendor
- While not required, the following fields will be helpful in completing the RO:
- Contact
- Ship to Location
- Enter the required information and any additional desired information and click Save.
Completing the Repair Order Process
There are three navigational areas in the Repair Order Screen as illustrated below.
Once an RO is saved, you are automatically taken to the next step of the process—Lines. This area will allow you to add line items to your RO. Please note: at any time in the process, the information from a previous step may be edited by simply clicking on that section in the appropriate tab. As each section of the process is completed, the current phase will close and automatically move to the next phase of the process in the progress bar screen refresh may be required). To move to a previously completed phase, click the desired phase in the Progress Bar. Most of the screens in the process will allow you to enter comments as part of the process. Internal comments will only appear in the AvSight system. External comments will be printed on any correspondence with the vendor.
Adding a Line Item
On the Lines screen, click new from the page menu to open the New RO Line page. The following fields are required:
Original Part information Section
Original Part Number This is the part number you are sending out to be repaired.
Original Inventory Line This is the inventory from which the part will be pulled. By default it will filter the results to show only the inventories that contain the specified part number. To choose an inventory, click the Select Inventory button.
Quantity Information Section
Quantity to Repair Enter the quantity to be shipped to the vendor. The rest of the fields will be populated based on the inventory that was selected for the part.
Expected Part Information Section
Repair Type This field will display repair types previously set up in the Repair Types Master (See related articles, below), and will specify what type of work is to be done on the part—i.e. serviced, overhauled, etc.
Expected Part Number Typically this will be the same as the part shipped.
Expected Part Condition This will specify the condition in which the repaired part will be returned and is populated by the values previously created in the Repair Types Master (See related articles below).
Expected Part Serial This field is editable if there are multiples of the specified part in the inventory selected or no serial numbers are associated with a part. If there is only one part in the inventory and the serial number is recorded, this field will not be editable and will prefill with the part’s serial number.
Expected Part Warehouse Specifies the warehouse to which the part is returned and is populated from the Warehouse Locations Master (see related Articles below).
All other fields are optional but will provide additional helpful information. After completing the necessary information, click Save.
If additional line items are needed click New. After all line items have been entered, you may review and edit the information by selecting Lines List View from the menu.
Additional Tabs
Since the RO process is integrated with other areas of AvSight, the remaining tabs will allow you to assign a task or log a call (Activity), See any changes that have been made to the RO (Audit Trail), upload files or see any other information associated with the RO (All Related).
Generating the Repair Order
At this pointthe RO can be generated. From the page menu, Click Generate RO. This will open a dialogue box to allow the RO to be sent to the vendor for processing. If a contact was specified in the Header section, that email address will be pre-filled in the form. Complete any other information you would like to include in the email and click Send. An entry will be placed in the activity tab indicating that an email was sent to the vendor. After the repair information is received from the vendor, RO can be updated with the information from the vendor quote and a Release can be generated to authorize the warehouse to ship the part to the vendor.
Creating a Release
Before the part can be shipped to the vendor for repair, the warehouse must be authorized to pull the part from inventory and ship it. The first step is to create a Release.
From the page menu select Generate Release. This will open up the New Release form. Most of the information will be pre-filled from the information supplied in the repair order. The line items from the repair order are displayed at the bottom of the form and by default all are checked. Uncheck any items that won’t be released at this time and click Release. This will generate a release form and make it available to the warehouse staff to pull the part from inventory and ship to the vendor.
Enter Vendor Response/Mass Updating a RO
After receiving a cost estimate for the repair from a vendor, those costs can be added to the line item in one of two ways:
1. In the Lines tab for the item. Select the line to edit and click Edit from the menu. Make the necessary changes and then click Save.
2. Using the Lines List View tab. Multiple lines of a RO can be updated in the Lines List View. Select the Lines List View tab of the RO, make any necessary changes and click Update.
Selecting multiple lines will activate the Mass Update button. Mass Update allows information common to multiple items to be updated and applied at one time.
Paying a RO
After the repaired unit has been received from the vendor, repair charges must be approved for payment. Open the RO and click Pay from the page menu.
Select which RO Lines are to be paid and enter the Invoice Date and Invoice #, the QTY TO PAY and click Submit to authorize accounting to pay the invoice associated with the RO.