AvSight Sales
Sales Order Core Exchanges
This article will cover the basics of processing core exchanges as part of a Sales Order
Prerequisites: Creating Sales Orders, Working with Outbound Shipments, Receiving
User Level: Intermediate
Many parts that are replaced still hold value and maybe repaired to be sold as a serviced or overhauled part. AvSight manages this process through an Exchange Sales Order. The initial process is the same as an Outright Purchase Sales Order.
Creating the Sales Order
Begin by creating a Sales Order and fill in the header information as usual. When adding a sales order line that will require a core exchange, select Exchange form the Oder Type drop down rather than Outright.
Notice that after selecting Exchange, a number of new fields related to the exchange process appear.

- 1Core Disposition—What will happen to the core after it is received from the customer?
- AOverhaul
- BServiceable
- CReceive As Is
- 2Exchange Type—How will the customer be charged for the core repairs?
- ACost Plus
- BFlat Rate w/OH Core
- CFlat Rate w/SV Core
- DFlat Rate w/Repairable Core.
- 3Outright Price/Core Charge—What will the customer be charged up front for the core?
- 4Core Due (in Days)—How long does the customer have to return the core?
- 5Stock Disposition—What will happen to the core after it is repaired?
- AReturn to Stock
- BReturn to Exchange Vendor
After adding any additional line items, the parts may be allocated and shipped in the normal manner. When processing documents for the shipment, a new document type appears in the available documents list—Exchange Agreement. The exchange agreement provides the terms and agreements for the exchange transaction and is designed to be sent to the customer, signed and returned. The agreement form can be edited to suit the needs of the company (See Related Articles below).
Receiving the Core
Once the core arrives from the customer, it is received in the normal fashion. Note however that there are some differences in the receiving screen:

- 1When an exchange sales order is created, a Customer Exchange Summary is created to help track the status of the core. In addition, the EXCH TYPE and the CORE DUE DATE are also added to the line.
- 2The CORE DISP and the STOCK DISP are also added to the line.
The Customer Exchange Summary
The Customer Exchange Summary can be accessed from the Sales Tools tab in the main menu then selecting the Customer Exchange Summaries button. The CES is the hub for tracking the core through the remaining parts of the process.

The main screen provides an at a glance overview of open exchanges. Selecting an Exchange Summary from the list will open the details for that summary and allow it to be further processed.

Repairing the Core
Once received from the customer, the core can be sent out for repair. The repair process is accomplished with a Repair Order the same as any other repair. It is important to note that when the core is received, it was assigned a new inventory number and automatically assigned a protected status in order to prevent the core from being sold inadvertently. This information is listed in the Core Information section of the Exchange Summary. When selecting the inventory during the RO process select the inventory of the returned core.

Depending on the original Exchange Type, the rest of the process can be completed using the Quick Action menu at the top of the Exchange Summary.

If the Core Disposition it to return to stock, select Release Protected Inventory to clear the protected flag and make the inventory salable. If the core doesn’t meet the conditions of the Exchange Agreement, it can be returned to the customer by using the Return Core button. This will add a line to the original Sales Order with an Order Type of Return Core, allowing the customer to be billed for the cost of the core. The additional line should be processed as any other Sales Order—generating documents, generating a release, shipping, etc. Regardless of the type of exchange, once the process is completed, click Close to close the Exchange Summary.