Automated Invoice Emailing

AvSight Financial— Automated Invoice Emailing

Topics covered in this article:
Sending automated invoices from an individual email account
Sending automated invoices from a group email account
Managing invoices

This article will outline the steps necessary to set up Auto Invoicing of customers. If further assistance is need please contact

System Setup

Emails can be configured to be sent from an individual or a group.

Configuring emails sent from an individual:

1 These steps must be performed by the user whose email address will be shown as the From address in the email.

2 Log into AvSight and navigate to Administration.  Under the Company Admin tab, select Company Master to open the Company screen. 

3 Select the company to be configured and choose Edit.

4 Scroll to Operations Settings and edit the Invoice Auto Send time for the desired time to send the invoices. It is recommended that invoices be sent after business hours to allow shipments to be cancelled if necessary. CAUTION: Once an invoice is sent, the shipment will not be able to be canceled in the system.  If a shipment must be canceled after the invoice has been sent, an RMA will have to be issued to re-introduce the items into inventory and credit the customer for the amount invoiced. A shipment may be cancelled at any time prior to invoicing by clicking Cancel Shipment on the release.

Configuring email sent from a group

Start by logging into AvSight and selecting the gear icon in the upper right hand corner of the screen.  Select Setup from the dropdown menu.

From the menu on the left side of the screen expand the Email section under Administration.

1 Set up a group email address:

  1. After clicking Organization-Wide Email Addresses, click Add on the resulting screen to display the New Organization-Wide Email Address screen. The only required fields are Display Name and Email Address.
  2. Display name: use “Accounts Receivable” NOTE: AvSight looks for the display name beginning with Accounts Receivable when preparing to send automated invoice emails.  Therefore, the display name of the email address must start with Accounts Receivable
  3. Email address: Replace the example shown with a valid email address for your organization.  This must be an inbox that is capable of receiving emails. Click Save after entering all of the required information.
  4. After saving the new address, AvSight will send a verification email to the address specified. Verify the email address by replying to the email sent by Salesforce to the email address set up in step c above.

2 Log into AvSight and navigate to Administration.  Under the Company Admin tab, select Company Master to open the Company screen. 

3 Select the company to be configured and choose “Edit”.

4 Scroll to “Operations Settings” and edit the “Invoice Auto Send time” for the time you would like the invoices to be sent. It is recommended that invoices be sent after business hours to allow shipments to be cancelled if necessary. CAUTION: Once an invoice is sent, the shipment will not be able to be canceled in the system.  If a shipment must be canceled after the invoice has been sent, an RMA will have to be issued to re-introduce the items into inventory and credit the customer for the amount invoiced. A shipment may be cancelled at any time prior to invoicing by clicking “Cancel Shipment” on the release.

Customer Setup

Before a customer can be auto invoiced, they must be configured to receive them.

To configure customers for auto invoicing, navigate the Accounts tab in Avsight and select the customer to be configured.

Click Edit and scroll to the AvSight Billing Info section.
If no Billing contact exists, add one in the Billing Contact field. They must have a valid email address.
Select Auto Send Invoices?
Click Save

Invoice ManagementList Views

On occasion, invoices may not be sent as expected.  This may be due to missing or invalid billing contact emails for instance.  In this event, emails will need to be managed manually. A list of all invoices may be found under the Financial Admin section of Administration.

Start by navigating to the Administration tab on the main page, Select the Financial Admin tab and finally the Invoices button to display a list of invoices in the system.

By default, the list view will display Recently Viewed Invoices.  The default view can be changed by selecting the down arrow located to the right of the filter name. For the scenario in this guide, the filters used will be All Invoices, Invoices Not Sent and Invoices Ready to Send. Select one of the filters in the list to view the invoices currently in that status.

Possible Filter Criteria

Invoices All: Displays all invoices in any status.
Invoices – Not Sent: Displays invoices that have missing or invalid email addresses. Emails in this status require that the Ready to Send box be checked before they will be able to be sent to the customer. Select the invoice to be edited and click Edit. Select the Ready to Send box and add the Billing Contact information (from a saved contact on that customer’s account or add a new contact) and then Save. This will prepare the invoice to be sent during the next scheduled email processing job. If the customer should be set up for auto invoicing, see Customer Setup above.
Invoices – Ready to Send
: Displays invoices queued to be sent during the next scheduled email processing job.
Invoices – Sent: Displays invoices sent to the customer.
Invoices – Cancelled: Displays invoices for shipments that were cancelled via the Cancel Shipment button on the Release. NOTE: These are cancelled and should not be sent to the customer. A new invoice will be created if the shipment is sent again.

Rather than constantly changing filters, AvSight allows a user to create and save custom filters

Creating custom list views

  1. On the invoices screen with Invoices All as the active filter:
  2. Select the gear icon at top right of the screen
  3. Click the Clone option
  4. Fill in the applicable List Name
  5. Select with whom you will share the list view
  6. Save

The steps so far have created a copy of the Invoices All filter. To change the cloned filter to display the criteria of a selected view, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on Add Filter
  2. Select the Status field for the filter
  3. Select the Operator. In most cases either the equals or not equal will be used.
  4. Select the applicable values for the Statuses in your List View.
  5. Click Done.

These steps will need to be repeated for each filter desired.  Once a filter has been successfully created it will appear in the filter list and be available to be selected.

Invoice ManagementManual Options

Emails in the Not Sent status should be reviewed to determine the actions required to make the invoices sendable. Select the invoice to be edited and click Edit. Select the Ready to Send box and add the Billing Contact information (from a saved contact on that customer’s account or add a new contact) and then Save. The Billing Contact must have a valid email. This will queue up the invoice and will be sent during the next scheduled email processing job. If the customer should be set up for auto invoicing, see Customer Setup above for automatic emailing going forward.

If the invoice is required to be sent manually, you may select the invoice and click the Send via Email button or click on the Invoice, Generate Documents, and download or print the invoice. You should update the status of the invoice to Sent.

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