AvSight ILS Inventory Upload

AvSight ILS Inventory Upload

The feature allows you to upload your inventory to ILS and to include open POs, open ROs (using the expected PN and expected Condition Code in the listing), and to also list your parts when someone is searching under the alternate part number instead of your part number.  The alternate feature is driven by the alternates stored in AvSight, so the alternate option will only work for those parts where you have provided alternates for.

The upload to ILS can be manual, where the system provides you the file, you take that file and login to ILS, and upload as usual or can be automatic where the file is sent directly to ILS. For the Automatic Inventory Upload option, you must first contact your ILS representative as they have to “turn on” that service and may result in additional charges. We at AvSight have no control over your agreement with ILS.


Go to Administration->Company, edit the Company master, go to the Data Services Settings area and fill in the settings for your upload. You can decide whether to include open POs, ROs, alternates, and whether to upload daily or weekly depending on how fast your inventory changes and whether there’s a cost difference from ILS. We leave it up to you to make those determinations.

Below is what the settings area looks like. The ILS Client ID field is the ILS ID that you normally use in the file you upload to ILS when updating your Inventory.

Also note that the AvSight ILS Inventory upload has been built as a “complete replacement” of your inventory listing and done at the intervals selected. It does not add or remove parts, it replaces the entire listing with the latest inventory.  The listing will be showing under the ILS Client ID that you enter in the setting in the screen below.

Manual Option

The manual option is for those users that are currently uploading a file to ILS and want an easier way of creating the file. This option provides a file within AvSight, already formatted to the requirements for uploading manually to ILS, and containing the parts as defined by the options you make in the Data Service settings. The file will be updated based on the schedule selected in the settings (weekly will have a fresh file on Monday morning, Daily will have a fresh file by the morning).

The file can be downloaded from AvSight at the Company->All Related->Files. Once you download it to your PC and open it, you can review the information and then upload to ILS as you would do normally.

Automatic Option

The automatic option requires you to contact your ILS representative to turn on the “Upload Inventory” service before AvSight will be able to upload a file.  Once your ILS representative has confirmed the service is turned on, you can contact AvSight support so we can add your ILS credentials needed for this option.  We will need the ILS Account and the Password at this time.

Please setup the options as shown in the manual option to indicate your preferences for PO/RO/Alternates and the schedule desired before contacting AvSight. You can even set it temporarily as Manual so you can preview the file that would eventually be sending automatically to ILS. 

Once above has been done, contact AvSight support requesting the automatic ILS setup.  We will setup the service with the credentials provided and send the first file for you.

Once the setup is completed, a file will be automatically uploaded directly to ILS following the schedule selected and you will no longer require to do it manually. The changes to your listing on the ILS website may take a day or two to be reflected in ILS searches.

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