Uploading Inventory

AvSight Operations—Upload Inventory

This article will cover the basics of uploading inventory into the AvSight system using the built-in import feature. This is the preferred method over Data Import Wizard and DataLoaoder.io unless your import is over 1000 lines. If over 1000 lines, you must split up the imports for the built-in feature or use DataLoader.io.

Importing inventory into AvSight is a fairly straightforward process.  However, it does require a great deal of attention to detail in order to avoid problems.  Correct formatting of the data is essential in order to ensure that the imported data will be correct and in the intended fields.  To facilitate this, a sample template is provided to correctly organize the data to be uploaded.

Beginning the import process

Inventory Upload is located in the Operations App of AvSight. To access the Operation Menus, click the Apps Launcher Menu in the upper right corner of the screen and select AvSight Operations from the App Launcher.

Notice that there are multiple choices available in the navigation menu.  Select Operations Tools, then select Inventory Upload to open the screen for Importing. Download the Sample Import Spreadsheet page and review the information noted there.

The upload process requires the data to be imported be in the form of a Comma Separated Value file or CSV.  This is a common file format that can be created with most spreadsheet applications like Excel.  A template is provided to provide all the columns available and make the process easier for you.  On the Import Spreadsheet screen, click “Download Sample File” near the bottom of the wording. The following columns are mandatory and must be included on the spreadsheet:

  • Fields Required when Part Number already exists in your system
    • inscor__Part Number (your item’s part number)
    • inscor__Condition Code (must be valid condition code)
    • inscor__Quantity
    • Inscor__Owner Code (Owner Code must be set up first)
    • Inscor__Warehouse (Warehouse Code)
    • Inscor__ Location
  • Fields Required when “Create Part Master” is needed for those part numbers that do not exist in your system
    • inscor__Keyword  (if creating a new part number this is required.  If uploading an existing part number, this can be left blank. Max of 15 characters allowed)
    • Inscor__Serialized (Y or N)
    • Inscor__UOM (valid UOM)
    • Inscor__Description (optional, can be long)
  • Additional fields commonly used in Inventory
    • Inscor__ Source (Obtained From)
    • Inscor__ Trace (Last Operator)
    • Inscor__ ESN (Engine SN removed from)
    • Inscor__ Acquisition Cost (Unit Purchase Cost for SPEC type Owner Codes only. Not valid for Consignments or LOTs)
    • Inscor__ Repair Cost (Unit Repair Cost)
    • Inscor__ Comments (Any comments applicable)
    • Ins Inscor__ Purchase Order (optional Purchase Order reference, valid for all but more specfically for Consignment or LOTs since those are commonly uploaded instead of manually received.)

Please note the following:

  • Serialized column will accept only ‘Y’ , ‘Yes’ , ‘True’ or ‘N’ , ‘No’, ‘False’.
  • All Date fields must in “mm/dd/yyyy” format. These will be blank if not in the correct format.
  • Source, Source 2, Tag Agency, Tag Agency 2 must have complete Account Name.
  • Transaction Activities may not be created for Inventory being uploaded. Please review and make sure Accounting is aware of the Inventory Upload.
  • It is helpful to perform a trial upload with one or two items to make sure the format is correct, before uploading large amounts of information.
  • While large numbers of items can be imported at once, it is beneficial to limit the number of items to <1000 to prevent impacting the system for other users.
  • If you have added a custom field to Inventory, you can include it in the Upload by adding a column to the sheet and using the field’s API Name as the column header in your upload template.

It’s important to remember that the column headers must have the same name as is shown on the sample file template. 

Once you have the desired items in the correct format, click “Validate Upload” to have the system verify the information.  If there are validation errors, correct the information. Anytime the file is changed, you must “Choose File” and validate again.  Repeat this process until there are no errors displayed. Once the data is error free, click “Upload Inventory” to complete the process.

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