Part Research

AvSight Inventory Management—Part Research

This section will cover the basics of creating new parts in the AvSight system.

Prerequisites: This article will require information created during all of the articles in the Administration, Contact Management and Inventory Management sections.  Please make sure you have completed those steps before following the steps in this article.

The previous series of articles have provided all of the information that is necessary to get your instance of AvSight up and running. This article will help you to put all of that information to work. The Part Research feature provides a means to look up information about parts that may be needed for a sales order, an RFQ, or for inventory management.  While the screen may at first seem overwhelming, each section is very simple in its design.

To Begin:

Login to the AvSight system and Navigate to Part Research on the AvSight Menu. On narrower resolution screens you may need to select the More tab and choose Part Research from the drop down list. Alternatively, the Parts Research screen can also be open via the global menu in the bottom left hand side of each screen. Opening the Parts Research screen from the main menu opens the screen in the full browser window. Since the global menu is available on every page, opening it from the global menu opens it in a smaller popup window while still allowing you access to your current page.  This allows you to quickly access part information while working in other areas of AvSight.

The initial screen provides a search field to enter the desired part number.  Since part numbers may be entered in multiple forms, i.e. A-100, A 100, A100, the Strip PN feature reduces the part number to its simplest form and will return search results from all such variations of a part number.  It is recommended that this box be checked unless looking for very specific part number. As with all AvSight search fields, results will begin to appear as you type.  Select the desired part number from the search results to open the research screen for that part. The ellipsis button (…) to the right of the part number search field allows a user to search for parts based on criteria other than the part number.  Clicking the ellipsis opens the search dialog box and allows searching via Part Number, Keyword, Serial Number or Description.

The part research screen displays all of the available information about a part at a glance—quantity available, location, alternates, etc.  Each of these sections are explained below.

Advanced Part Research

The Part Research section above provided a simple overview of the part research screen. This section will build on that information and show you how to customize the part research screen and make better use of the information provided by it.

Part Research by the Numbers

1 Stock Status Stock Status provides graphical view of the current stock situation of a particular part or possible alternatives.  Green means there are items in stock or available, red indicates that there are no parts available for that status.

2 Quantity Data  The Quantity Data section provides a detailed view of the number of items by status and condition. Each line provides the quantity of the part in On Hand, On Order or On Repair for each condition code as well as the year to date sales and prior year’s sales for each condition code listed. Condition Codes include:
FN—Factory New
NS—New Surplus
AR—As Removed
BER—Beyond Economical Repair

These codes are the default codes provided with AvSight.  However, additional codes may be added by editing the Condition Code Master table in the Inventory Admin section  The list of codes displayed in the Quantity Data section is determined by the Display in Summary check box on the Condition Code Master table.—See Related Articles Below.

3 Part Details  The Part Details Section displays detailed information about the selected part and consists of four tabs—Inventory, History, Pricing and Research.
Inventory displays a list of the available inventories containing the selected part number. The default columns are Inventory ID (INV-ID), Quantity (QTY), Quantity Allocated (QALL), Quantity on Repair (QOR), Quantity on Order (QOE), Serial Number (SER?), Condition Code (CC), Owner Code (OWNER C), Source (SOURCE), Tag Agency (TAG AGY), ESN, Warehouse (WRSE) Location (LOC), Acquisition Cost (ACQ C) Repair Cost (REP C), Protected (PROT).  These columns can be edited to add or remove the columns that are displayed—see the following section Customizing the Parts Research Screen.  At the right side of each line in the Available Quantity section is a drop down that allows a user to perform three related tasks: Create a Customer Quote, Create an RFQ or Create a Repair Order without leaving the Part Research screen.
History displays the detailed history of the selected part—purchases, sales, quotes, etc.
Pricing displays detailed pricing information about the selected part.
Research allows you to look up information about the selected part from other sources such as ILS,  One Aero and Parts Base.

4 Alternate Interchangeable This section provides possible alternatives to the selected part based on Alternate IDs.  Alternate IDs can be set up in the Alternates Master table under Inventory Admin in the Administration section of AvSight.

5 Secondary Inventory  Secondary inventory provides information about the availability of a part from inventories not currently owned by the company at this time, but may be available.

6 Part Menu/Filter The Part Menu dropdown allows you to perform other tasks from within the Part Research page.  Clicking the down arrow will provide the following task options: Create Customer Quote, Create RFQ, Edit Part Master and Planning. Each of these tasks will open a dialog box overlaying the Part Research screen, allowing the task to be performed without leaving part research.  Clicking Filter will open a text box allowing you to filter the part research screen for a particular serial number.

Customizing the Part Research Screen Not all of the default columns display information that is useful to all users, while others may need additional or different information.  In the tabbed area, each section of columns will display a small gear icon next to the section name.  Clicking the gear will open a column picker dialog that will allow the user to choose which columns will display in the section.  The set on the left represent the choices available, the set on the right those that are currently displayed.  Selecting an item and then clicking one of the arrows between the boxes will add or remove a column.  Selecting an item in the Selected section and then clicking the up or down arrows to the right will change the order of the columns displayed.  Some sections will also display a More link at the bottom of the column. By default, only the five most recent lines are displayed.  Clicking More will display additional lines.

Related Articles:

Creating and Maintaining Inventories
Creating Condition Codes
Creating Parts
Creating Alternate IDs                     

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