AvSight Inventory Management
Importing Secondary Inventory
This article will cover the basics of uploading Secondary Inventory in the AvSight system.
Prerequisites: None

Secondary Inventory provides the ability to have inventory from outside the company available for reference within AvSight. Secondary Inventory may used in the case of capturing another company's push list or partner inventory listings. Secondary Inventory should not be confused with consignments--it is only for reference and cannot be used for transactions or consignments--but strictly as a vehicle to capture opportunities offered by outside organizations. Much like a RFQ, Secondary Inventory captures information on the availability, price and other information about parts. Secondary Inventory makes the inventory parts available in the Part Research screen, providing the opportunity to sell those parts as needed. However, prior to selling anything in Secondary Inventory, it must go through the purchasing and sales processes in AvSight in the normal manor. Secondary Inventory does not currently integrate with parts databases such as ILS and PartsBase.
Importing Secondary Inventory
Secondary Inventory is located under Administration > Inventory Admin > Secondary Inventory Upload

- 1Make Sure the Secondary Inventory tab is selected
- 2Download the Sample File
- 3After editing the file as outlined below, upload it via Choose File
- 4Validate the file
- 5Upload the Secondary Inventory
The upload process requires the data to be imported be in the form of a Comma Separated Value file or CSV. This is a common file format that can be created with most spreadsheet applications like Excel. A template is provided to provide all the columns available and make the process easier for you. On the Import Spreadsheet screen, click “Download Sample File” near the bottom of the wording. The following columns are mandatory and must be included on the spreadsheet:
- Fields Required when Part Number already exists in your system
- inscor__Part Number (your item’s part number)
- inscor__Condition Code (must be valid condition code)
- inscor__Quantity
- Fields Required when “Create Part Master” is needed for those part numbers that do not exist in your system
- inscor__Keyword (if creating a new part number this is required. If uploading an existing part number, this can be left blank. Max of 15 characters allowed)
- Inscor__UOM (valid UOM)
Please note the following:
- Serialized column will accept only ‘Y’ , ‘Yes’ , ‘True’ or ‘N’ , ‘No’, ‘False’.
- All Date fields must in “mm/dd/yyyy” format. These will be blank if not in the correct format.
- It is helpful to perform a trial upload with one or two items to make sure the format is correct, before uploading large amounts of information.
- While large numbers of items can be imported at once, it is beneficial to limit the number of items to <1000 to prevent impacting the system for other users.
It’s important to remember that the column headers must have the same name as is shown on the sample file template.
Once you have the desired items in the correct format, click “Validate Upload” to have the system verify the information. If there are validation errors, correct the information. Anytime the file is changed, you must “Choose File” and validate again. Repeat this process until there are no errors displayed. Once the data is error free, click “Upload Inventory” to complete the process.
Manually Creating Secondary Inventory
Secondary inventories can also be created manually. Navigate to Administration > Inventory Admin > Secondary Inventory and select New to open the New Secondary Inventory screen. Fill in the required information and any optional information and click Save.