Administration Overview

This lesson will review the various options available to manage the options within AvSight

Accessing Administration

To access the administration section click the “Administration” tab on the far right of the screen. In some cases, depending on screen size, the Administration menu might be located under the “More” tab item on the far right.

Once in the Administration section of AvSight, there are a number of different section, each of which is described below.

Company Administration

The Company Administration tab contains the following sections:

Company Master
Company Master records are used to create legal entities within AvSight. Typically only one Company Master record is created within the system, but larger companies with multiple legal entities may create additional records.

Employee Master
Employee records map directly to users. Each user of AvSight must have a Employee Master record. Information in the employee master holds data such as “Default Company” and is used throughout AvSight


Company Location Master
Company Locations are physical locations for your company. Often times these are warehouses or physical locations with inventory. These locations are used when creating Purchase Orders, Repair Orders, and Sales Orders to tell the Operations department or Customer where to ship the inventory to / from.

Inventory Administration

The Inventory administration tab contains the following sections:

Part Master
Part master contains information about a specific part number. Information such as Part Number, Keyword, Serialized Indicator, LLP indicator, etc.

In addition, on this screen, there are multiple tabs that allow for the viewing of inventory, alternates and notes and attachments tied to a part number.

Condition Code Master
Condition code master contains the condition code information for the entire system. It also allows you to determine what condition codes show in Part Research as well as the order.

Alternates Master
The Alternates master hold all the information concerning the alternates for a part number. It can contain information such as the Relationship and the authority.

Secondary Inventory
Secondary Inventory is a feature that allows you to load inventory that does not need to conform to typical inventory requirements. Requirements such as cost, or locations are not required for Secondary Inventory. Typical use cases for Secondary inventory would be non exclusive consignment lists, excess inventory lists from airlines, etc.

Master Tables

The Master Table administration tab contains the following sections:

Warehouse Master
The warehouse master table contains information about warehouses. Rather than physical warehouses like “Company Locations”, the a Warehouse can be viewed as a virtual warehouse. You can have an unlimited amount of warehouses. Each “warehouse” is tied to a Company location which allows the proper process for the operations.

Warehouse Location Master
Warehouse locations can be view as Bin locations, or rack locations within a Company location. They do not need to be an actual physical location, but can also be setup to include virtual locations, such as QA, or Docking for example.

Repair Type Master
Repair Types are used to classify repair orders by type. Examples include Standard Repair, or Inspection Only.

Ship Via Master
Ship via master records contain information about shipping methods. Examples include FedEx, Transit time, and account number. These records are used for shipping repair orders, and sales orders.

Financial Administration

The Financial Administration tab contains the following sections:

Owner Code Master
Owner Codes are the core of the inventory process. An Owner Code is tied to each inventory record and drives how the part is costed, if it’s part of a lot or a consignment, and also allows for grouping of inventory. For instance Owner codes can be used for a asset tear down, or a grouping of inventory.

Customer Contract Pricing, Vendor Contract Pricing, and Repair Contract Pricing
Contract pricing is used to hold information about any contracts you might have with customers or vendors. These records show in the Part Research screen and allow you to store, in a single place, any information about pricing for customers or vendors.

Assistant Administration

The Assistant administration tab contains the following sections:

Assistant Settings
Assistant settings drive how the “My Assistant” feature works. These settings allow you to change key variables within the “My Assistant” functionality. For instance, if you only want to be notified about Quotes with no activity for more than 5 days, rather than 3, this is the area to change. These records cannot be deleted or added, but can be modified to fit your company.

These settings are used for the entire organization.

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