How To: Create a Repair Order
In this lesson, we will walk through the process on creating a repair order.
A new repair order can be created in two different ways, and each way will be discussed below:
1) Directly
2) Through a list view
Create Repair Order - Direct

There are 2 ways to create a Repair Order in AvSight. The first way, is to create a RO directly from the Repair Order tab at the top of the screen. SImply click the down arrow on the Repair Orders tab, and select "New Repair Order"
Create Repair Order - List View

The second way to create a RO is to open the Repair Order list and click "New"
To do this, click the Repair Orders tab at the top (not the arrow). Depending on your setup, this will often open a list view of the most recently viewed RO's, or another list view.
From this list view, click the "New" button at the top of the screen.
Create Header

Regardless of how you create a new RO, the first screen that is opened is the Repair Order header. There are 3 required fields:
1) Vendor - This is the vendor you are sending the Repair Order to. As you start to type the name of the vendor, a drop down list is shown based on the text you are entering.
2) Contact - This is the contact you are sending the Repair Order to. This list is filtered by the vendor you selected in the first field.
3) Ship To Location - This is the location you would expect the vendor to send the quoted lines to. This list is populated by the "Company Locations" described in the administration lesson.
Other fields include:
Shipping Terms - This is a free form text field.
Ship Via - This is a list populated by the "Ship Via" in the administration area
Internal Comments - These comments will not print on the PO document
External Comments - These comments will print on the PO document
Company - This is the company that this document will be associate with. By default, AvSight uses the company listed on the users Employee record
Owner - This is the owner of this document. By default this is the current user.
Assigned To - By default this field is the same as the Owner, but it can be changed it you are assigning this PO to a different user.
Create Line(s)

Once the header of the Repair Order document is created, you are taken to the Lines tab. In this tab, you can add, edit, or delete any number of lines.
To create a new line, click "New" in the upper right, highlighted by the box above.
There are a couple of required fields, and a number of optional fields.
1) Part Number - This is the part number you are looking the repair. This part number must be found in your companies part master. As you start typing the part number, a list of matching parts is shown.
2) Original Inventory Line - Clicking this button will allow you to select the inventory line you would like to repair. The inventory must already exist before it can be sent for repair.
3) Quantity to Repair - The quantity to repair. The quantity must not be greater than the quantity available for the selected inventory line.
4) Repair type - This field is used strictly for reporting. Unless your company has enabled multiple repair types, select a "Standard Repair" type.
5) Final Unit Repair Cost - This is the final cost fo the unit repair. This cost will be reflected in the repair cost of the part when received.
Generate Repair Order

Once the Repair Order has been created, you can send it directly from the same screen. To do so, click "Generate RO" from the top of the Repair Order screen.
Many of the fields are defaulted from the selections in the Repair Order screen including Vendor and Contact.
Each of the fields can be changed or edited depending on your needs.
Release Repair Order

Once the repair order has been created, it needs to be sent to the warehouse for shipment. Releasing the Repair Order will create the release that the warehouse can use to ship the repair order.
To release to RO, click the "Release RO" button in the upper right of the screen.
Enter Expected Repair Cost & Promise Dates

Once you have shipped the repair order to the vendor and the vendor has responded with cost and delivery times, you can update the repair order to reflect that information.
The following fields are often updated once the repair order is returned from the vendor.
1) Estimate Repair Cost - This is the cost quoted by the vendor to repair the part. It is used for finance and to update the inventory cost when received.
2) Final Unit Repair Cost - This is the final cost fo the unit repair. This cost will be reflected in the repair cost of the part when received.
3) Initial Promise Date - The promise date given by the vendor for the date the repair order will be complete. This is the initial date and should not be updated through the life of the repair order
4) Update Promise Date - This is the date that should be updated if the vendor changes the deliver date. This will allow you to track any variances to schedule on the repair order line.
5) Expected Delivery Date - The date that you expect the part to be delivered to the company shipping location.