Creating a Purchase Order
The application launcher is how you navigate between the different applications that are a part of AvSight. Applications are a way of grouping functions to work more effectively.
2. AvSight Application
Although there can be many different applications, and your screen may vary depending on your security rights, the AvSight application is often where you will spend most of your time. If you are already in the AvSight application, there is no need to change.
3. The Purchase Order Tab
In order to access the Purchase Orders Menu, click on the Purchase Orders tab. Your screen may look different depending on your settings and security, and depending on the size of your monitor, this menu item may not be visible without first clicking “More”.
4. Purchase Order Down Arrow
For many tabs, you also have the option of clicking the down arrow next to “Purchase Order”. Clicking the down arrow allows you to see the 3 most recent quotes you have been working on. In addition, you can create a new quote from here as well as access any recent list views. List views will be discussed in a different training lesson.
5. The New Button
Once you click on the Purchase Orders tab, you are brought to a list view of the most recent quotes you have been working on. In the upper right section of the screen is a “Quick Actions” section, where “New” is an option. Clicking on this button allows you to create a new Purchase Order.
7. Vendor
The supplier you are purchasing the parts from. If the account does not exist, you may select the “+ New Account” option to create a new account.
8. Contact
The contact is used to hold the contact at the vendor you are working with. While not required, this information is used in other places in the ordering process such as when generating and emailing the vendor.
In addition, the contact information prints on the order. If you do not see your contact in this list, you can select the “+ New Contact” option to create a new contact.
9. Purchase Order (PO) Type
The following PO types are available:
Spec: Lines on specifically costed purchase orders when received carry the acquisition cost of the PO line. These types or POs have specifically costed parts.
Lot: Lot POs are used when buying a “lot” of material with a total price rather than individually costed parts.
Broker: Broker POs are costed in the same way as “Spec” POs. This type of PO is used for reporting rather than controlling costing.
Program: Program POs are handled the same way as “Spec” POs and are used for reporting.
10. Urgency
Represents the priority of the Purchase Order. You can select different options based on your needs by clicking the down arrow.
11. RFQ Number (Vendor Quote)
This field allows you to reference the RFQ (Vendor Quote) that this PO was created from.
12. Ship To Location
The physical location where the parts should be delivered. You also have the option to add new location by click on the “+” icon.
14. Ship Method
Various options for shipping such as FedEx Standard, or FedEx Overnight, etc. Shipping methods are managed in the Administration section of AvSight. Please refer to the Administration training for additional information on shipment methods.
15. Account Number
Account number of the shipping carrier. For instance, the account number to be used for FedEx, or UPS.
Internal comments: Are restricted to company only. These comments are not shown on any form sent to customers or vendors.
External comments: These comments display and are printed on the invoice.
17. Owner & Company Information
Company: AvSight supports multiple corporate legal entities. This field will default to the company specified on your employee record. To learn more about company records and employee records, please refer to the Administration training module.
Assigned to: The Assigned To field defaults to the person creating the Quote, but can be changed if you are creating this quote for someone else.
19. Actions Buttons
Action buttons apply to the Purchase Order being worked on. These options can vary between documents (Quotes, ROs, etc.) but are always found in the same area of the screen. These buttons perform actions that affect the entire document that is being worked on. The buttons on the Purchase Order are the following:
20. Action Button
Generate Purchase Order: This button will give you the live view of the Purchase Order that will be sent to the vendor. In addition to viewing the document, you also have the ability to send the Purchase Order as an email to the vendor. The “Send Email” button emails the vendor a copy of the order.
Import Spreadsheet: The Import Spreadsheet button allows you to upload a large number of lines to the Purchase Order. For instance, if a vendor sends a spreadsheet of a large number of lines, rather than entering each line, this option allows you to upload a spreadsheet. Importing and Exporting data will be covered in a separate training module.
21. Action Buttons
Edit: Although you can view and edit the header information for the Purchase Order using the “Header” tab (described below), this button also allows you to edit the header information of the Purchase Order.
Clone: Creates a copy of the current Purchase Order.
Delete: Cancels the Purchase Order being made.
22. Status Bar
Shows the process of the Purchase Order being displayed. Green Represents the statuses that has been completed.
New: New Purchase Order has been created, but no new lines have been added yet.
In Progress: This indicates that a Purchase Order has been created and at least 1 line has been added.
Send to Vendor: The Purchase Order has been sent to the vendor. This is a critical status to understand. A Purchase Order cannot be received unless it is in this status or higher.
23. Status Bar
Partially Received: At least one quantity has been received on this Purchase Order, but not all lines have been received.
Received: The Purchase Order has been fully received by the operations team.
Cancelled: The Purchase Order is cancelled, and no longer valid.
24. Header
This tab holds all of the header data on the Purchase Order such as Vendor, Urgency, Contact, etc.
25. Lines
The lines tab shows all the information about the Purchase Order lines. The lines tabs contains fields such as quote lines, part information, tag & trace, and comments.
26. Receipts
Includes details about any receipts that have been made for this Purchase order. To view the details of each receipt, click on the Receipt ID link.
27. Activity
The activity tab shows all the various activities tied to this Purchase Order. For instance when the order is emailed to a vendor. In addition, you can send emails, create tasks, and log calls all tied to this Purchase Order.
28. Audit Trail
The audit trail shows a full list of all changes to fields within the order. This tab shows the old value, new value, and who modified the field.
29. All Related
This tab shows all related fields to this Purchase Order, including attached images and documents. It essentially gives you a single view of all the information linked to this order.
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