On a number of occasions, we have come across an issue where we need to “undo” an import and then “re-import”. In the past, we’ve asked for your assistance but we’d like to learn how to do it ourselves (similar to how we tackled “scrapping in bulk”). Is it possible […]
Request for Inventory Weight and Dimension
Can we get weight and dimensions sections in our inventory so that they don’t have to be added in our notes? As well, can we put those fields on our customer quotes so that they automatically show up when we select an inventory line?
Duplicate Part Number
I have a few questions: How did we enter this part number twice? How do we avoid double entries? How do we combine this part number, and delete one of the entries? (PN: PN 74-110-4)
Auto Message Request
I was wondering if we could set up 2 different automated messages for quotes? I would like to keep the one we have for regular quotes, and add a different one for no quotes. Something along the lines of thank you for your inquiry, but this ones a no quote. […]
Exchange Repair Orders
For exchange repair orders, is there a way that we can tie them to the sales order for that particular exchange. Maybe we could link the sales order in the RO compact layout? That way, it sort of flags it for our accounting team to invoice our customer for the […]
Proforma Invoices
Is it possible to have the Account Terms to appear on the Proforma Invoice?
Navigation Bar for Traversing Records
Request for Overall Navigation between records in the different modules. (Picture has drawn arrows on either side of PO Number, indicating request for previous and next numbers/ ability to preview next or previous numbers).
Searching Contacts
Is searching through contacts something that may be available in the near future?