Working with Repair Orders Part 2—Splitting Lines

AvSight Operations—Working with Repair Orders Part 2—Splitting Lines

This article will cover the basics of splitting line items on an existing Repair Order in the AvSight system.

Prerequisites: None

Information needed to complete the steps:
An existing Repair Order with at least some line items already shipped

Repair Orders (ROs) allow you to submit information necessary to have parts serviced by a vendor. At times though, the vendor may, after inspecting the parts, decide that some parts are not repairable, or additional work is required to restore them to the requested level of repair.  AvSight offers the ability to split the line items on the original RO into multiple lines to accommodate those situations.  In order to split a line item, the items must have already been shipped and have a quantity greater than two.

Splitting a line item

  1. Open the RO and select one of the line items to be split.  If the line item meets the conditions above, the Split Line button will appear next to the Edit button on the menu.
  2. Clicking Split Line will open the Split RO Line dialog box.  Enter the quantity of the parts that should be added to the new line and click Submit.  This will create a new line item in the RO that can be edited to match the conditions applying to that group of parts.
  3. Select the new line item and edit any information required for the changed items.
  4. Continue to process the RO as outlined in the Working with Repair Orders article listed below.

Related Articles:
Working with Releases
Working with POs
Working with Repair Orders
Creating Condition Codes

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