Working with RMAs

AvSight Sales Process—Working with RMAs

Topics covered:
Creating an RMA
Parts returned for credit
Parts returned for repair
Parts returned for replacement

Creating Sales Orders
Working with Outbound Shipments

Information needed to complete the steps:
Sales Order number

At times customers may need to return an item previously purchased, either for exchange, repair or for credit. This article will go through the process of creating a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA). The RMA process is integrated with many of the other parts of AvSight and will require information from other areas already covered in earlier articles.  It is highly recommended that you complete all of the previous articles under Administration, Inventory Management and Contact Management first.

Creating an RMA

From the main menu select Sales Tools to open the Sales Order search box. The search box will begin displaying a list of available sales orders as you begin typing.  NOTE: only sales orders that contain lines that have been processed through the shipping stage will be available for RMAs.  Select the desired sales order from the list to open the Create RMA page.

The Create RMA screen will prefill with information from the sales order.  However, with the exception of the Customer field, the information can be edited if needed.  Fill in any other desired information.

At the bottom of the screen the line items from the original sales order will be listed.  The following fields will be available for editing:

PRICE  The price may be edited to reflect the amount that will be credited to the customer’s account if differing from the original sales price.
QTY TO RMA  the quantity of that line item to be returned.  In the screenshot below, the item being returned is a serialized part.  Since the serial number makes each part unique each part will be on a separate line.  The quantity to RMA cannot exceed the number of items on a particular line.

After you have completed entering information, click Generate RMA.  This will open an email form to send to the customer and allow RMA to be printed or downloaded.  NOTE: Clicking Generate RMA will mark the RMA as approved and begin the next step of the process and will take you to the RMA Details screen.

Change the status of the RMA to Approved to allow receiving to process the RMA. Once the part has been received the status will automatically change to Received.

At this point the RMA is ready for Receiving to accept the return and verify it fits the description found on the RMA.  Open the Operations Module and select Receiving (See related articles below). Search for and open the RMA.  The Receiving screen will display the line items that were on the RMA with the part information as it was originally shown on the sales order. The Condition Code, Warehouse Quantity Accepted, Serial Number and Location can all be edited if necessary.  For instance the warehouse and location may change if a part was returned for repair or replacement.  Enter the quantity to receive and click Receive. Upload any documents to be attached and click done to finish receiving phase.

Open the RMA and notice that the Approved status has been marked as complete and the active status is Received. Depending on the type of RMA that was generated there are several choices that can be selected from the Quick Links Menu.

Parts returned for credit
If the part was being returned for credit, click the Generate Credit button to credit the customer’s account. This will open the Generate Credit screen and displays the line items to process.  Check the box on the left of each line to be processed, enter the Quantity to Credit and click Next. Comments can be added to the credit memo as well as a footer.  Frequently used comments can be created in the Administration > Master Tables > Forms section of AvSight and selected from the drop down list.  When you are finished editing, click Preview Credit Memo. If changes need to be made click Back, otherwise click Issue Credit to complete the process.  NOTE: once the credit has been issued it cannot easily be reversed.  Make sure you are ready to issue the credit.

Parts returned for repair
Processing a part returned for repair follows the same basic steps as a return for credit, with the additional steps involved in the repair process. Depending on how the repair is to be handled—externally by means of a Repair Order or internally by means of a Work Order (See related articles below). Once the repaired part has been received at the end of those processes, the RMA can be completed. Open the RMA and click Send Repaired from the Quick Links menu to open the Send Repaired dialog box. Select the inventory line and adjust the quantity to send then click Send Repaired. This will open the Generate Release form with the information prefilled based on the previous steps. If everything is correct, click Generate Release to start the shipping process. A line item will be added to the original sales order reflecting the item to be repaired and will be pre-allocated. Once the item has been shipped, the RMA can be marked as complete.

Parts returned for replacement
Processing a part for replacement follows the same steps as returning a part for repair.  Instead of selecting Send Repaired from the Quick Links menu, select Send Replacement. In the Send Replacement dialog box, select the line item to send and click Return Replacement.  This action opens the original sales order and adds a line item for the replacement item.  The item will be need to be pre-allocated but a release will need to be generated as outlined in the article Working with Sales Orders (See related articles below). Once the item has been shipped the RMA can be marked as complete.

Creating Sales Orders
Working with Outbound Shipments
Working with Repair Orders

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